We only ship to the 48 contiguous U.S. states.
We do not ship to Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Other areas may be excluded from our shipping area.
We will choose the most efficient shipping provider based on product and location.
If incorrect information is provided by the customer, ex. wrong address, for which Cullen's Babyland & Playland incurs additional order processing costs, these costs are to be paid by the customer.
Cancelling an order:
If you need to cancel an order, please contact Cullen's Babyland as soon as possible by email. Only order cancellations by email will be considered. Cancellations by any other method will not be honored.
Refused shipments:
If a shipment is refused upon delivery, the customer will be billed for the shipping of the refused order both ways and a 25% restocking fee will incur.
For further questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at (225)927-9478 Monday-Friday 9:30a.m.- 6:00p.m. Central Standard Time.